It is thought that the two inner circles at Avebury were completed first, around 2600BC. The outer ring and henge (The ditch of which was originally 10 metres deep) was started around 2500BC, completed entirely with antler picks and stone tools. The actual stones where quarried from the Marlborough Downs and transported overland, probably on wooden rollers. This must have been a monumental task as some of the stones within the circle are over 40 tonnes, almost twice as heavy as those at nearby Stonehenge, although not as well finished and shaped. There were originally around 100 of these stones although only 27 remain, the missing stones marked by concrete posts.
The Devils Chair is one of the most massive stones within the structure, it sits where the West Kennet avenue joins the circle. So named because of the natural seat formation in the stone, young women used to sit here on May Day Eve (Beltane) and make a wish.
A large stone known as the Diamond Stone, situated near the Northwest entrance, is said to cross over to the other side of the road when the clock strikes midnight. An amazing feat as the stone weighs around forty tonnes.
There have been some strange sightings in the locality of the stones. Small figures have been seen moving within the stones in the moonlight, and a woman called Edith Olivier heard music and saw lights amongst the stones whilst driving through the village at night. She took the lights to be those of a fair.
1 comment:
All's well I shall return to 'Avebury' this very weekend. Its been long overdue, as I have been visiting 'Avebury Henge' since my middle teens. To me it remains a wonderful, fascinating and magical place, I think only those persons whom can make the special connection with its pagan roots, truly understand the magic and mystery of the stones. Its a place I always must return to, I do not yet quite know why...
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