
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Project Kugelblitz

Evidence that the US military planned to harness the power of ball lightning

The announcement came in May 2006 that – after decades of secretly investigating UFOs – the Ministry of Defence had come to the conclusion that aliens were not visiting Britain. The MoD’s claims were revealed within the pages of a formerly classified document – entitled Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region, and code-named Project Condign – that had been comm­issioned in 1996 and was completed in February 2000.

Released under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act thanks specifically to the work of FT contributor Dr David Clarke and UFO researcher Gary Anthony, the 465-page document demonstrated how air defence experts had concluded that UFO sightings were probably the result of “natural, but relatively rare phenomena” such as ball lightning and atmospheric plasmas. UFOs, wrote the still-unknown author of the MoD’s report, were “of no defence significance”.

Inevitably, many UFO investigators claimed that the MoD’s report was merely a ruse to hide its secret know­ledge of alien encounters, crashed UFOs, and high-level X-Files-type conspiracies. And although the Government firmly denied such claims, the report did reveal a number of significant conclus­ions of a genuinely intriguing nature.

The atmospheric plasmas which were believed to be the cause of so many UFO reports were “still barely understood”, said the MoD, and the magnetic and electric fields that eman­ated from plasmas could adversely affect the human nervous system. And that was not all. Clarke and Anthony revealed that “Volume 3 of the report refers to research and studies carried out in a number of foreign nations into UAPs [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena], atmospheric plasmas, and their potent­ial military applications.”

That such research was of interest to the MoD is demonstrated in a Loose Minute of 4 December 2000 called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) – DI55 Report, which reveals: “DG(R&T) [Director-General, Research & Tech­nology] will be interested in those phen­omena associated with plasma form­ations, which have potential applic­ations to novel weapon technology.”

This was further borne out in an article on Condign written by James Randerson and published in the Guardian on 22 February 2007 (“Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?”). It stated in part: “According to a former MoD intelligence analyst who asked not be named, the MoD was paranoid in the late 1980s that the Soviet Union had developed technology that went beyond western knowledge of physics. ‘For many years we were very concerned that in some areas the Russians had a handle on physics that we hadn’t at all. We just basically didn’t know the basics they were working from,’ he said. ‘We did encourage our scientists not to think that we in the West knew everything there was to be known.’”

And it wasn’t just the British Ministry of Defence and the Russians who recog­nised the potential military spin-offs that both plasmas and ball lightning offered – if they could be understood and harnessed, of course. Official documentation that has surfaced in the United States reveals that only two years after pilot Kenneth Arnold’s now-historic UFO encounter over the Cascade Mountains, Washington State, on 24 June 1947, the US military secretly began looking at ways to exploit such phenomena.

While the US Air Force was busying itself trying to determine whether UFOs were alien spacecraft, Soviet inventions, or even the work of an ultra-secret domestic project, the US Department of Commerce was taking a distinctly different approach. In its search for answers to the UFO puzzle, the DoC was focusing much of its attention on one of the most mystifying and controversial of all fortean phenomena: ball lightning.

A technical report, Project Grudge, published in 1949 by the Air Force’s UFO investigative unit detailed the findings of the DoC’s Weather Bureau with respect to ball lightning, which it believed was connected to normal lightning and electrical discharge. The phenomenon, said the DoC, was “spherical, roughly globular, egg-shaped, or pear-shaped; many times with projecting streamers; or flame-like irregular ‘masses of light’. Luminous in appearance, described in individual cases by different colours but mostly reported as deep red and often as glaring white.”

The Weather Bureau’s study added: “Some of the cases of ‘ball lightning’ observed have displayed excrescences of the appearance of little flames emanating from the main body of the luminous mass, or luminous streamers have developed from it and propagated slant-wise toward the ground… In rare instances, it has been reported that the luminous body may break up into a number of smaller balls which may appear to fall towards the earth like a rain of sparks. It has even been reported that the ball has suddenly ejected a whole bundle of many luminous, radiating streamers toward the earth, and then disapp­eared. There have been reports by observers of ‘ball lightning’ to the effect that the phenomenon appeared to float through a room or other space for a brief interval of time without making contact with or being attracted by objects.”

Possibly unknown outside of official circles – until I made the discovery at the US National Archives, Maryland, two years ago – is the fact that a complete copy of the Air Force’s Project Grudge document was, somewhat surprisingly, shared with US Army personnel at the Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, in early 1950.

Even more surprising is a curiously-worded entry contained in the covering letter from the Air Force to Edgewood staff that accompanied the Grudge report: “You are aware we have already discussed with Mr Clapp the theor­etical incendiary applications of Ball-Lightening [sic] that might be useful to the several German projects at Kirtland. Useful data should be routed to Mr Clapp through this office.”

Precisely who the mysterious Mr Clapp was, I have thus far been unable to determine; however, the fact that he is described as ‘Mr’ is a strong indication that he was not a member of the military. ‘Kirtland’ can only be a reference to Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Named in 1942 after Roy C Kirtland – the oldest military pilot in the Air Corps – the base is located in the southeast quadrant of Albuquerque, New Mexico, adjacent to the Albuquerque International Sunport airport, and employs over 23,000 people. Moreover, Kirtland AFB has been the site of numerous mystifying UFO incidents since the late 1940s.

As for the reference to “the several German projects” apparently in place at Kirtland at the time, this is almost certainly related to the US Government’s controversial Operation Paperclip which, in the post-World War II era, saw countless German scientists – some of whom were Nazis, and many of whom were engaged in advanced aerospace research – secretly offered employment in the US, and particularly at military install­ations in New Mexico, such as the White Sands Proving Ground.

So, can we assume from the hints contained in this letter that by early 1950 some sort of combined Army-Air Force project, or at the very least, an exchange of information, was underway at Edgewood Arsenal – possibly working in tandem with a similar project at Kirtland Air Force Base – to try to understand and harness the power of ball lightning?

The answer would appear to be yes. Documentation has disclosed the identity of a project nicknamed Harness-Cavalier, the purpose of which was indeed to understand and capitalise on the true nature of ball lightning, and which, from 1950 to at least the mid-1960s utilised the skills of per­sonnel from Edgewood Arsenal, Kirtland Air Force Base, and also Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.

Via the Freedom of Information Act, a whole host of documents from the files of Harness-Cavalier – now numbering more than 120 – have surfaced, demonstrating that those attached to the project were kept well-informed of any and all developments in the field of ball lightning, and part­icularly how it might be exploited militarily.

Such documentation includes: “Theory of the Lightning Ball and its Application to the Atmospheric Phenomenon Called ‘Flying Saucers”, written by Carl Benadicks in 1954; “Ball Lightning: A Survey”, prepared by one JR McNally for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (year unknown); DV Ritchie’s “Reds May Use Lightning as a Weapon”, which appeared in Missiles and Rockets in August 1959; and “An Experimental and Theoretical Program to Investigate the Feasibility of Confining Plasma in Free Space by Radar Beams”, which was written by CM Haaland in 1960 for the Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology.

The strongest evidence that confirms Edgewood Arsenal’s deep interest in the potential use of ball lightning on the battle­field can be found in a December 1965 document entitled “Survey of Kugelblitz Theories for Electromagnetic Incendiaries”. Written by WB Lyttle and CE Wilson, the document was prepared under contract for the US Army’s New Concepts Division/ Special Projects at Edgewood.

According to the opening words of the report: “The purpose of this study was to review the theory and experimental data on ball lightning, to compare the existing theory and experimental data to determine whether ball lightning is a high or low energy phenomenon, and if it is a high energy phenomenon define an effective theoretical and experimental program to develop a potential incendiary weapon.”

Lyttle and Wilson continue: “Three major cate­gories were established for the purpose of grouping the numerous theories on the subject. These categories are the classical plasma theories, the quantum plasma theories, and the non-plasma theories. A theoretical and experi­mental Kugelblitz program is recomm­ended by which the most promising high energy theories could be developed so that a weapons applicat­ion could be realised.”

As far as the specific theories that the authors addressed were concerned, these included the possibilities that ball lightning might conceivably be explained as (a) a “plasma created by a lightning strike and maint­ained by electromagnetic standing waves”; (b) a “non-plasma phenomenon… in the form of a highly ionised gas”; and (c) the “nuclear theory”, which was “based on the assumption that the content of the ball is radio­active carbon-14 created from atmo­spheric nitrogen by the action of thermal neutrons liberated by a lightning strike”.

Although it was conceded that many of the theories required further research to substantiate them (or otherwise), Lyttle and Wilson did state that “since the high energy Kugelblitz is clearly the only type weapon of importance, we believe that the major effort should be expended along these lines”.

One of the areas that the authors addressed was how man-made ball lightning might be controlled in the air and directed to a specific battlefield location: “If Kugelblitz is to be developed as a distinct­ive weapon, a means of guiding the energy concentration toward a potential target must be achieved. Some preliminary considerations on this subject have resulted in the idea of applying laser beams to such a task.”

They elaborated that “modulation of the vertical component of laser incident” would indeed permit “control of the Kugelblitz” and concluded that “forces necessary for guidance only will depend on local charges, as well as the net Kugelblitz charge and wind forces.”

Such was the pair’s belief that the possibility of turning ball lightning into a laser-guided weapon was theoretically achievable, that they stated: “The problem is a difficult one, but some light is beginning to appear on the subject. A concentrated analytical and experimental effort should be made soon as the implications of success­ful work could be far reaching. Only an adequately planned programme, utilising a full-time, competent staff with adequate equipment, can hope to succeed within a reasonable time period.”

In essence, that is the gist of the document. Of course, it raises a number of issues: research at Edgewood had apparently begun in early 1950, yet the “Survey of Kugelblitz Theories for Electromagnetic Incendiaries” document written in 1965 was still very much theoretical in nature. In other words, it could reasonably be argued that throughout that 15-year period, very few practical advances had been made in terms of turning ball lightning into a military weapon. On the other hand, the very fact that the project was allowed to continue for such a long period of time – and possibly longer – is an indication that it was considered of real value to the US military.

And it should also be noted that Lyttle and Wilson were merely contracted to write a report on their own findings on ball lightning and the possibility of harnessing it for the military’s ever-burgeoning arsenal. There is no available evidence to demonstrate that they were provided with any background data on the earlier years of Edgewood’s interest in this particular field. “Need to know”, it seems, was the order of the day.

Of course, the biggest question of all must surely be: does such research continue to this day? Maybe; and if so, that same research might go some way towards demystifying some of the high-profile alleged UFO incidents that have been reported in recent years.

The controversial events that occurred deep within, and around, Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, in late December 1980 (FT204:32–39) are viewed by many ufo­logists as prime evidence that aliens exist. It should be noted, however, that the entire area surrounding Rendlesham was for years a veritable hotbed of classified military activity.

For example, the nearby coastal strip of land known as Orford Ness was home to Britain’s early radar-based research in the 1930s. As World War II loomed, much of that work was transferred to RAF Bawdsey, several miles south of Orford Ness, but still on the fringes of Rendlesham Forest. And sens­itive projects continued to be developed in the area for many years, such as “Cobra Mist” – an “over the horizon” radar system developed in the late 1960s to provide advance warning of any attempted aerial attack on the British Isles.

And perhaps much more of a secret scientific nature was afoot, too.

On 13 January 1981, Colonel Charles Halt of the US Air Force, a prime witness to the curious events in Rendlesham Forest, wrote a one-page memo to the Ministry of Defence that outlined a wealth of extra­ordinary UFO-like activity in the area that spanned the course of several nights.

In Halt’s own words: “…a red sun-like light was seen through the trees. It moved about and pulsed. At one point, it appeared to throw off glowing particles and then broke into five separate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were noticed in the sky… the object to the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a stream of light from time to time.”

To this writer, at least, reports of beams of light seen in conjunction with moving lights that emitted glowing particles, sound very much like someone putting into pract­ice the theoretical plans cited within the pages of the “Survey of Kugelblitz Theories for Electromagnetic Incendiaries” document, namely the control and utilisation of ball-lightning phenomena via lasers.

Indeed, Halt’s reference to the object in the woods appearing “to throw off glowing particles” sounds astonishingly like the words the US Weather Bureau used back in 1948 to describe ball lightning: “It has been reported that the luminous body may break up into a number of smaller balls which may appear to fall towards the earth like a rain of sparks. It has even been reported that the ball has suddenly ejected a whole bundle of many luminous, radiating streamers toward the earth.”

Was some sort of clandestine experiment of the type envisaged in the 1965 Edgewood Arsenal documentation secretly undertaken in Rendlesham Forest in 1980? It should be noted that practically all those implicated in the affair were members of the US military. In view of this, it may very well be an indication that someone was very interested in determining the psychological reactions of military personnel when confronted by phenomena perceived to be both extremely unusual and potentially extra­terrestrial in origin.

There is one final issue that may be of relevance to this latter point: the Edgewood Arsenal’s Bio-Medical Laboratory was, from 1952 to at least 1974, the site of a series of controversial experiments that involved the extensive testing of hallucinogens such as LSD, THC, and BZ (see FT213:48–52), as well as a dizzying variety of chemical and biological agents, on military personnel. That some of the military witnesses to the Rendlesham events reported having been drugged by unknown officials in the immed­iate wake of the affair, might not be as unbelievable as it initially sounds.

So, we have a combination of hallucin­ogens, laser-guided weaponry, a “New Concepts Division”, and the harnessing of ball lightning, all connected to the Edgewood Arsenal – a distinctly heady brew.

We would do well to realise that these new revelations pertaining to secret ball-lightning research may ultimately help to shed some welcome, if controversial, light on key elements of the UFO mystery.

By Nick Redfern


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon

The April 5, 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette featured an article entitled "Explorations in Grand Canyon: Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from Orient." According to the article, the expedition was financed by the Smithsonian Institute and discovered artifacts that would, if verified, stand conventional history on its ear. Inside a cavern "hewn in solid rock by human hands" were found tablets bearing hieroglyphics, copper weapons, statues of Egyptian deities and mummies. Although highly intriguing, the truth of this story is in doubt simply because the site has never been re-found. The Smithsonian disavows all knowledge of the discovery, and several expeditions searching for the cavern have come up empty-handed. Was the article just a hoax? "While it cannot be discounted that the entire story is an elaborate newspaper hoax," writes researcher/explorer David Hatcher Childress, "the fact that it was on the front page, named the prestigious Smithsonian Institution, and gave a highly detailed story that went on for several pages, lends a great deal to its credibility. It is hard to believe such a story could have come out of thin air."

On April 5th, 1909, there appeared a front page story in the Arizona Gazette. It told of an archeological expedition in the heart of the Grand Canyon funded by the Smithsonian Institute. (a full transcription of the article can be found at: It is a rich story of finding a labyrinth of man-made tunnel systems high above the Colorado River, a virtual citadel filled with ancient artifacts, hieroglyphs, armor, statues of deities and even mummies. Anyone contacting the Smithsonian Institute will receive a polite "no records found" reply to an inquiry about their supposed role in the Grand Canyon.

The following narration shows how I came to be convinced of an exact location in the Grand Canyon that is a key to this story (regardless of whether the newspaper article is a hoax or not), and contains mathematical proof. This story also reveals an ancient cartographic code that led me to this conclusion, and the meaningful coincidences that unfolded as I pursued this mystery. The location is known as "Isis Temple" and is paramount in a well kept secret that is just now being uncovered in ways far richer and more important than material wealth. The cherished gem of Arizona, the Grand Canyon, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, contains a legacy and a link to a history known only by a few; suppressed not only by greed and politics, but by a forgotten code hidden right beneath our very feet. It is all beginning to come to light now.

I first came across the information about the newspaper article in 1998 via the www. To satisfy my curiosity, I went to the Phoenix Public Library, found the article on microfilm and made a few photo copies of it. I didn't give it too much thought at the time, other than mentioning it from time to time to people who attend free speaking engagements and classes I offer. As a 30 year independent researcher in the field of sacred geometry, (sometimes known also as hyper-dimensional geometry, living geometry, and alchemical geometry) and other related subjects, I found the topic relating to Egypt synchronistic, since a lot of my studies revolved around the ancient schools of thought and geometry of sacred sites and temples of Egypt. Like others, I thought it was rather odd, if indeed the article was not a hoax, that evidence of ancient Egyptians would be found in Arizona, of all places!..... After all, the Egyptians did not explore the Americas, everyone knew that, and it was not taught in any school. We thought this also of the ancient Romans, until ancient Roman headgear, armor, swords, coins and other artifacts were found just North of Tucson, not far from Interstate 10 !

Now that the subject has come up about suppressed information, if indeed that is what it is, there is a well researched book of 914 pages by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson titled Forbidden Archeology, which can open anyone's' third eye to a history of mankind that has never been taught, except in those 'mystery schools' so well cloaked in myth, secrecy and ridicule. Some good information can be found by searching the archives of and also

Then in October of 2000 I came upon a another web site that had lots of information and photos of Egyptian hieroglyphs found a hundred years ago in Australia ! The hieroglyphs were on the stone wall next to a cave entrance, and told of ancient Egyptian explorers getting lost and stranded, left to die in Australia. (see:

At around the same time I happened to read in a book titled Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, Vol. II, page 302, the story of two backpackers who ventured into the Grand Canyon. What they claimed to have found first, while on their way to a location known as Isis Temple, (see photo at: was a rather large pyramid made from the native rock. Once at Isis Temple, at an elevation of about 800 feet, they claimed to have seen several cave entrances, just as reported in the newspaper article. They also noticed that they all seemed to be sealed shut or destroyed, as if to keep everyone out. (the question here arises, why deliberate sealing of caves in such a remote, hard to access, area?) Because they were also expert rock climbers, they climbed the 800 feet to the most promising looking cave entrance. Upon reaching the entrance they discovered that it too had been sealed off several feet in with native rock. They did notice, however, that the entrance seemed to be man made and that there was a 6 foot circular pattern clearly hewn into the ceiling. This story was told to the author of the book, and from the context of the material presented in the book and from the nature of the author's character, of whom I am familiar, I could not for the life of me imagine why such a story would be fabricated and told to him unless it were absolutely true.

And yet, Isis Temple (which can be seen from the South Rim visitors areas) is at least 40 miles from the location given in the newspaper article. So, if the newspaper article was not a hoax, and Isis Temple was the real location, the other location could have been misinformation to keep people away. Then again, if the newspaper article was a hoax, what then had the two backpackers stumbled upon ? And why were extremely remote cave entrances sealed ?

A question arises here also: why are there so many geographical locations in the Grand Canyon named after Egyptian and Hindu deities?

Then, approximately two weeks later, on October 13, channel 10 (one of our local t.v. stations), did a short segment on their weekly t.v. news magazine show about the 1909 article and some local people actively looking for it out at the Canyon. I contacted the producer of the segment and left my name and phone number, telling him to give it to a couple of the people he had interviewed, as I could supply them with this information regarding Isis Temple. At the very least they could go with good telescopes and look for cave entrances from the Rim to confirm their existence. Simple.

As of yet no one has called me back.

I plan to check the condition and strength of my old telescope and go there myself soon. A severely damaged disc in my back prevents me from an actual backpacking trip to Isis Temple, as the trip is extremely arduous and requires at least six days of backpacking in some of the most challenging terrain on the planet.

The next thing I did was call the "Back Country" information line (520-638-7875) at the Grand Canyon, where permits are bought for backpacking and extended hikes, both on and off trails. The lady was very talkative, polite and helpful. She even suggested two books I should read on possible routes to Isis Temple since there are no trails to it. Then I casually brought up the subject of possibly exploring caves I had heard about at Isis Temple and asked her if she could confirm their existence. Her reply was a simple, but emphatic "NO". Then a long pause. Then very curtly she said the Park Dept. was about to engage in a Canyon-wide research project into the bat population and habitation, to make sure they were not being endangered. Everyone was to stay out of caves she said. That ended our conversation. Interesting, but not conclusive.

In the meantime, this whole thing was getting under my curious skin a bit. I decided to approach the subject a little differently. I was going to see if there was a geometrical connection between Isis Temple and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Why the Great Pyramid? From my knowledge of sacred geometry I knew it to be a central figure in a planetary grid system. As a former, avid backpacker myself, and having some knowledge of cartology, it took me no time to get the exact longitude and latitude of the center of Isis Temple. I then began searching on the www for the exact coordinates of the center of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

That's when things started to turn REALLY curious and informative.

My web search brought me more than I could have hoped for. It led me to the work of a man named Carl Munck. (see: Over ten years ago he had started doing a similar thing that I was attempting, but he had started at Stonehenge, trying to find a longitude/latitude relationship with the Great Pyramid. His continued work led to the discovery of what is now called Archeocartology, and the key to the system is using the Great Pyramid as Prime Meridian rather than Greenwich . What he had done was eventually find a whole code system that the ancient's knew about and had used in determining where to place sacred temples, and sacred sites. It is simply known as THE CODE, or Code of the Ancients. He has several books out on the subject, a newsletter and several videos.

From THE CODE we get factual, mathematically provable evidence that all ancient sites, megaliths, temples, stone circles, effigies and certain natural formations and vortexes across the entire face of the globe are very precisely located on a global coordinate system in relation to the Great Pyramid. ( I know, this is hard to believe, but read on) Not only that, but an ancient numerology system known as Gematria (used by Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, Romans and others of the ancient world) is used in the manipulation of the numbers that relates the numbers to other key locations, mathematical constants such as Pi and the radian, and the positions of the sites themselves given in the geometry of their physical construction.

GEMATRIA and THE CODE can be considered to be "whole brain" methodologies. In other words, both bi-lateral functions of the brain must be employed to reach applicable and functional results. Or, the left, rational/verbal/lineal, side of the brain and the right, intuitive/imaginative/non-lineal, side must work together, in much the same way as when viewing stereo-gram images, sometimes known as 'Magic Eye' pictures also. (Those pictures that were popular a few years back that looked like just a mass of colored dots when first seen, but after gazing in a particular manner for a while a complete 3-D picture or scene 'popped' out to your vision. Usually children and young adults have an easier time seeing the pictures because they are not yet as completely absorbed with just left brain, rational, thinking habits, and their right brain, creative, side is more flexible.)

THE CODE of Carl Munck dovetails perfectly with the planetary grid system and the related Platonic Grid Lines found by Ivan Sanderson, Bruce Cathie, William Becker and Bethi Hagens. The world grid system ( is commonly known as the Unified Vector Geometry 120 Polyhedron. Interestingly enough, THE CODE also is applicable to the Planet Mars, when the North/South Prime Meridian passes exactly through nose of the famous "Face" in the Cydonia area and the "D & M Pyramid".

Still with me? I hope so, because this is all mathematically verified.

Aside from the obvious question that this arouses regarding how such ancient people could have knowledge of such a system and implement if for thousands of years, (which, because there is no short answer for that question, I will not address here) there is also the question of how such feats were accomplished with so much accuracy without the aid of modern technology, like our Global Positioning System (GPS) which uses satellite telemetry and computer accuracy to achieve what the ancients accomplished with ... what ?

When this sort of question arises in my talks and classes, I pull out an object to demonstrate the dynamics of geometry and simplicity. It is a solid object with no moving parts or batteries, and it fits in your hand. It has a unique property about it that no mind on Earth, that I am aware of, can explain. (and it has been under heavy scrutiny by some of the best minds of engineering and physics at University levels) It absolutely defies one of the basic laws of physics and motion. (and this is not my imagination! Just ask my wife.)

People usually gasp and don't believe their eyes when they first see what this object does. And it does this without high technology. I show it to them over and over again, and let them try it for themselves, and it always works. And the key to the object is in its proportions, its shape, its geometry...the mathematics involved. Plain and simple. (Ask me and I'll show it to anyone at any time, anyplace. It is not my invention and it has been around for almost 30 years, yet few people know of it.)

If you know the key to something, or have the something that employs the key, optional methodologies are available to use. It is obvious the ancients had optional methodologies in finding, plotting and implementing building sites based upon a longitude and latitude not all that dissimilar to our own. It is also obvious from the data that the ancients new exactly where the equator was and employed it.

Another device that should be mentioned is a survey and navigational tool designed by Crichton Miller, who received a patent on it just recently in the United Kingdom. The device is nothing more than two pieces of straight wood formed into a cross with a pivot point where they meet, a plumb line coming down from the pivot point, and a semi-circular scale (similar to a protractor) attached. It looks very much like a Celtic Cross. It is very accurate and requires no batteries. (see: misc/cem130700.html for complete details ) A book about the device is due in the Spring of 2001. It is believed this device, or similar, was used in surveying for the Great Pyramid, and also employed as a navigational tool for ocean-going explorations. And speaking of accuracy, as well as complexity of problem solving capabilities with no complex technology or batteries, think for a minute of the slide rule and the abacus.

Anyway, back to the story here....

Well, now I had the longitude and latitude of the Great Pyramid, and a mathematical system for finding a relationship between Isis Temple and the Great Pyramid. But, I got lazy here. I contacted Michael Lawrence Morton, who I had found through another web site . ( ) ( also I gave him the coordinates for Isis Temple and let him do the math and find the mathematical correspondences. Since Michael was very familiar with THE CODE, also familiar with all the mathematical constants and numerous other sites and their mathematical connections, and had also discovered and applied THE CODE to the local stars and astronomy (the Archeo-Sky Matrix ), I felt confident in his abilities and expertise.

In his words, Isis Temple is a "...major....major site !!!" This he could safely say with confidence because the numbers related to so many other major sites, including the Great Pyramid, and with numbers typically accurate to complete whole numbers, to within 7 and 8 decimal places, and decimal harmonics from 7 to 8 decimal places !

The following is a brief synopsis of just some of the mathematical connections to Isis Temple. The search is still ongoing. Statistics relating to certain "dates of occurrences" and the Gematria of a personal nature that were found have been left out. The math proof of the following findings is attached at the end of this narration, with full credit graciously attributed to Carl Munck and especially Michael Lawrence Morton, without whom this search would have come to a dead halt.

Isis Temple is mathematically connected to:

* slope angle of the Great Pyramid * grid point value of the Great Pyramid * derived height of Great Pyramid with capstone included * decimal harmonic of the East longitude of the Sphinx at Giza * decimal harmonic of the West longitude of the Chephren Pyramid at Giza * decimal harmonic of the tangent of arc-distance from Earth's equator to either pole * radius of Moon * ratio of radius of Stonehenge's Sarsen Circle and Radian (deg) * decimal harmonic of generic area of a circle * grid point value of the star Sirius, circa 2000 a.d. * grid point value of the star Regulus, circa 2000 a.d. * East latitude, in arc-min., of the "Face" at Cydonia on Mars

At this point, it doesn't matter if Isis Temple is the location mentioned in the 1909 article. At this point it doesn't matter if the article was a hoax or not. Maybe it doesn't matter if archeological information has been withheld from the public (in this regard I am more inclined to believe it is a matter of information filtration brought about by a social process rather than a conspiracy). Maybe it doesn't matter if there are or are not sealed caves in Isis Temple. But I, for one, continue the search. There is still a vast treasure to behold that makes that which we carry in our pocket quite moot when compared to the big picture.

Archeocartographic findings of ISIS TEMPLE based upon THE CODE of Carl Munck and the ARCHEO-SKY MATRIX Code, mathematics and correlations found by Michael Lawrence Morton.

location of Isis Temple N. of Equator and West of Great Pyramid, Giza: 36 deg 08 min 27 sec N. 143 deg 16 min 14.8 sec W.G.

36 x 8 x 27 = 7776 N. 143 x 16 x 14.8 = 33862.4 W.G.

33862.4 / 7776 = 4.3547325 G.P. (grid point)

4.353957151 (G.P.) = Pi x 1.177245771 x 1.177245771 ( 1.177245771 = ratio of the radius of Stonehenge's Sarsen Circle in British feet and Radian (deg.) .....1.177245771 = 57.29577951 / 48.6693441...also the decimal harmonic in arc-seconds of the West longitude of the Chephren Pyramid at Giza, the East longitude of the Sphinx at Giza, and the tangent of arc-distance, adding to actual statute mileage figure, in statute miles, from Earth's equator to either pole....6214.85528 )

4.353957151 (G.P.) x 248.0502134 = 1080 (248.0502134 = grid point value of Great Pyramid.....1080 = mean radius of Moon in statute miles, and 1080 is also the feminine gematrian number for alchemical fusion where 1080 + 666 = 1746 )

33862.4 (W.G) x 57.29577951 x 57.29577951 = 10.31324031 ( 10.31324031 = decimal harmonic of the square arc degrees of a circle, the generic area of a circle, where Pi x 57.29577951 x 57.29577951 = 10313.24031)

10.31324031 = 4.3539557149 (G.P.) x 2.368705056 ( 2.368705056 = grid point value of the binary star Sirius, circa 2000 a.d. )

270 / 4.353957149 (G.P.) = ( Pi x 19.7392088) ( 270 is average number of human gestation days...divided by Isis's Temple grid point value of 4.353957149 = the grid point value of the binary star Regulus, star in the heart of the Lion constellation Leo, or 19.7392088 x Pi. Also, 270 = 9 x 30, and 30 is the grid point value of the intersection of 7th Ave. and Indian School Rd. in Phoenix, Arizona, which is where, on March 13, 1997, 8:30 p.m., the "Phoenix UFO" was witnessed to hover for 4 minutes. March 13, 1997 is 5764 days before December 21, 2012 a.d., end of the Mayan calendar. 5764.166073 is the derived original full height, including capstone, of the Great Pyramid in regular British inches. )

30 / 4.353957149 (G.P.) = 6.890283706 (6.890283706 = arc-minutes East of Mars Prime Meridian = latitude of "The Face" at Cydonia. ) (see also: for all of the above)

credited to Barry McEwen & Michael Lawrence Morton

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern being brought to light Jordan is enthused remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from Orient.

The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now
regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archeological
discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the
world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought
to the city yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the
great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from
Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden boat, to Yuma,
several months ago.

According to the story related to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the
archaelogists of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the
expeditions, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove
that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid
rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt,
tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the
translation of the tablets engraved with heiroglyphics, the mystery
of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who
they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile,
and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain
running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the

A Thorough Examination

Under the direction of Prof. S. A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute
is now prosecuting the most thorough explorations, which will be
continued until the last link in the chain is forged. Nearly a mile
underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main
passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from
which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.

Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways
running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for
854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles
which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless
they had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper
instruments, sharp-edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state
of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have
the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the
camp for extensive studies, and the force will be increased to
thirty or forty persons.

Mr. Kinkaid's Report

Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an
explorer and hunter all his life, thirty years having been in the
service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his
history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque.

"First, I would impress that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The
entrance is 1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall. It is located on
government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty
of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear
of archeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic

A trip there would be fruitless, and the visitor would be sent on
his way. The story of how I found the cavern has been related, but
in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat,
alone, looking for mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from
the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the
sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There
was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great

Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth
of the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty
yards to what was, at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level
of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the
entrance, I became interested, securing my gun and went in. During
that trip I went back several hundred feet along the main passage
till I came to the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of
these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a
number of relics, which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from
whence I shipped them to Washington with details of the discovery.
Following this, the explorations were undertaken.

The Passages

"The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet
toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first
side-passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both
sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms
of today, though some are 30 by 40 feet square. These are entered
by oval-shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through
the walls into the passages. The walls are about three feet six
inches in thickness.

The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out
by an engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a
center. The side-passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle
from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right
angle in direction.

The Shrine

"Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several
hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the
people's god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in
each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving this
cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are
not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into
consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this
worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet.

Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in
form; others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical,
probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with
protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god
squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In
the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all
descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the
lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemicals
for centureis without result. On a bench running around the
workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the
process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing
that these ancients smelted ores, but so far no trace of where or
how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.

"Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and
gold, made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes
enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to
granaries such as are found in the oriental temples. They contain
seeds of varous kinds. One very large storehouse has not yet been
entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from
above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which indicates that
some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded, as
the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a ver hard
cement. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles
the scientists, for its identity has not been established. It
resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere
are what people call "cats eyse', a yellow stone of no great value.
Each one is engraved with the head of the Malay type.

The Hieroglyphics

"On all the urns, or walls over doorways , and tablets of stone
which were found by the image are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the
key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover. The
engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the
religion of the people. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in
southern Arizona. Among the pictorial writings, only two animals
are found. One is of prehistoric type.

The Crypt

"The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the
largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of
about 35 degrees. On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying
a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on
which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the
mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric.

The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher
shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design, showing a later
stage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies
examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being
buried here. This leads to the belief that this exterior section
was the warriors' barracks.

"Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no
skins, no clothing, no bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for
water vessels. One room, about 40 by 700 feet, was probably the
main dining hall, for cooking utensils are found here. What these
people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came
south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in
the summer.

Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the caverns
comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribes found in
Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which
inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years
before the Christian era, a people lived here which reached a high
stage of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of
gaps. Professor Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and
believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in
archeological work.

"One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. There is one
chamber of the passageway to which is not ventilated, and when we
approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not
penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will
not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other
boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals
used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just
the same. The whole underground installation gives one of shaky
nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one's shoulders,
and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker.
Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back
through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in

An Indian Legend

In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopi
Indians the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an
underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the
good and the bad, the people of one heart and the people of two
hearts. Machetto, who was their chief, counseled them to leave the
underworld, but there was no way out. The chief then caused a tree
to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld, and then the
people of one heart climbed out. They tarried by Paisisvai (Red
River), which is the Colorado, and grew grain and corn.

They sent out a message to the Temple of the Sun, asking the
blessing of peace, good will and rain for people of one heart. That
messenger never returned, but today at the Hopi villages at sundown
can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing
toward the sun, looking for the messenger. When he returns, their
lands and ancient dwelling place will be restored to them. That is
the tradition.

Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen the image of a
heart over the spot where it is located. The legend was learned by
W.E. Rollins, the artist, during a year spent with the Hopi Indians.

There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. One is that
they came from Asia; another that the racial cradle was in the upper
Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin
of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw
further light on human evolution and prehistoric ages.

Archeological Cover Ups?

by David Hatcher Childress

Most of us are familiar with the last scene in the popular Indiana
Jones archeological adventure film RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK in which
an important historical artefact, the Ark of the Covenant from the
Temple in Jerusalem, is locked in a crate and put in a giant
warehouse, never to be seen again, thus ensuring that no history
books will have to be rewritten and no history professor will have
to revise the lecture that he has been giving for the last forty

While the film was fiction, the scene in which an important ancient
relic is buried in a warehouse is uncomfortably close to reality for
many researchers. To those who investigate allegations of
archaeological cover-ups, there are disturbing indications that the
most important archaeological institute in the United States, the
Smithsonian Institute, an independent federal agency, has been
actively suppressing some of the most interesting and important
archaeological discoveries made in the Americas.

The Vatican has been long accused of keeping artefacts and ancient
books in their vast cellars, without allowing the outside world
access to them. These secret treasures, often of a controversial
historical or religious nature, are allegedly suppressed by the
Catholic Church because they might damage the church's credibility,
or perhaps cast their official texts in doubt. Sadly, there is
overwhelming evidence that something very similar is happening with
the Smithsonian Institution.

The cover-up and alleged suppression of archaeological evidence
began in late 1881 when John Wesley Powell, the geologist famous for
exploring the Grand Canyon, appointed Cyrus Thomas as the director
of the Eastern Mound Division of the Smithsonian Institution's
Bureau of Ethnology.

When Thomas came to the Bureau of Ethnology he was a

"pronounced believer in the existence of a race of Mound Builders,
distinct from the American Indians."

However, John Wesley Powell, the director of the Bureau of
Ethnology, a very sympathetic man toward the American Indians, had
lived with the peaceful Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin for many
years as a youth and felt that American Indians were unfairly
thought of as primitive and savage.

The Smithsonian began to promote the idea that Native Americans, at
that time being exterminated in the Indian Wars, were descended from
advanced civilisations and were worthy of respect and protection.

They also began a program of suppressing any archaeological evidence
that lent credence to the school of thought known as Diffusionism, a
school which believes that throughout history there has been
widespread dispersion of culture and civilisation via contact by
ship and major trade routes.

The Smithsonian opted for the opposite school, known as
Isolationism. Isolationism holds that most civilisations are
isolated from each other and that there has been very little contact
between them, especially those that are separated by bodies of
water. In this intellectual war that started in the 1880s, it was
held that even contact between the civilisations of the Ohio and
Mississippi Valleys were rare, and certainly these civilisations did
not have any contact with such advanced cultures as the Mayas,
Toltecs, or Aztecs in Mexico and Central America. By Old World
standards this is an extreme, and even ridiculous idea, considering
that the river system reached to the Gulf of Mexico and these
civilisations were as close as the opposite shore of the gulf. It
was like saying that cultures in the Black Sea area could not have
had contact with the Mediterranean.

When the contents of many ancient mounds and pyramids of the Midwest
were examined, it was shown that the history of the Mississippi
River Valleys was that of an ancient and sophisticated culture that
had been in contact with Europe and other areas. Not only that, the
contents of many mounds revealed burials of huge men, sometimes
seven or eight feet tall, in full armour with swords and sometimes
huge treasures.

(Vangard note..>Eastern Indian texts say that at one time men lived
thousands of years and grew very tall in direct proportion to their
age, as does the Bible with the comment "and there were GIANTS in
the earth in those days...")

For instance, when Spiro Mound in Oklahoma was excavated in the
1930's, a tall man in full armour was discovered along with a pot of
thousands of pearls and other artefacts, the largest such treasure
so far documented. The whereabouts of the man in armour is unknown
and it is quite likely that it eventually was taken to the
Smithsonian Institution.

In a private conversation with a well-known historical researcher
(who shall remain nameless), I was told that a former employee of
the Smithsonian, who was dismissed for defending the view of
diffusionism in the Americas (i.e. the heresy that other ancient
civilisations may have visited the shores of North and South America
during the many millenia before Columbus), alleged that the
Smithsonian at one time had actually taken a barge full of unusual
artefacts out into the Atlantic and dumped them in the ocean.

Though the idea of the Smithsonian' covering up a valuable
archaeological find is difficult to accept for some, there is,
sadly, a great deal of evidence to suggest that the Smithsonian
Institution has knowingly covered up and 'lost' important
archaeological relics. The STONEWATCH NEWSLETTER of the Gungywamp
Society in Connecticut, which researches megalithic sites in New
England, had a curious story in their Winter 1992 issue about stone
coffins discovered in 1892 in Alabama which were sent to the
Smithsonian Institution and then 'lost'. According to the
newsletter, researcher Frederick J. Pohl wrote an intriguing letter
in 1950 to the late Dr. T.C. Lethbridge, a British archaeologist.

The letter from Pohl stated, "A professor of geology sent me a
reprint (of the) Smithsonian Institution, THE CRUMF BURIAL CAVE by
Frank Burns, US Geological Survey, from the report of the US
National Museum for 1892, pp 451-454, 1984. In the Crumf Cave,
southern branch of the Warrior River, in Murphy's Valley, Blount
County, Alabama, accessible from Mobile Bay by river, were coffins
of wood hollowed out by fire, aided by stone or copper chisels.

Either of these coffins were taken to the Smithsonian. They were
about 7.5 feet long, 14" to 18" wide, 6" to 7" deep. Lids open.
"I wrote recently to the Smithsonian, and received a reply March
11th from F.M. Setzler, Head Curator of Department of Anthropology
(He said) 'We have not been able to find the specimens in our
collections, though records show that they were received."

David Barron, President of the Gungywamp Society was eventually told
by the Smithsonian in 1992 that the coffins were actually wooden
troughs and that they could not be viewed anyway because they were
housed in an asbestos-contaminated warehouse. This warehouse was to
be closed for the next ten years and no one was allowed in except
the Smithsonian personnel!

Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on
Johnny Carson's TONIGHT SHOW in the 1960s (usually with an exotic
animal with a pangolin or a lemur), once related a curious story
about a letter he received regarding an engineer who was stationed
on the Aleutian island of Shemya during World War II. While
building an airstrip, his crew bulldozed a group of hills and
discovered under several sedimentary layers what appeared to be
human remains. The Alaskan mound was in fact a graveyard of
gigantic human remains, consisting of crania and long leg bones.

The crania measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown. Since
an adult skull normally measures about eight inches from back to
front, such a large crania would imply an immense size for a
normally proportioned human. Furthermore, every skull was said to
have been neatly trepanned (a process of cutting a hole in the upper
portion of the skull).

In fact, the habit of flattening the skull of an infant and forcing
it to grow in an elongated shape was a practice used by ancient
Peruvians, the Mayas, and the Flathead Indians of Montana. Sanderson
tried to gather further proof, eventually receiving a letter from
another member of the unit who confirmed the report. The letters
both indicated that the Smithsonian Institution had collected the
remains, yet nothing else was heard. Sanderson seemed convinced
that the Smithsonian Institution had received the bizarre relics,
but wondered why they would not release the data. He asks, "
it that these people cannot face rewriting all the textbooks?"

In 1944 an accidental discovery of an even more controversial nature
was made by Waldemar Julsrud at Acambaro, Mexico. Acambaro is in
the state of Guanajuato, 175 miles northwest of Mexico City. The
strange archaeological site there yielded over 33,500 objects of
ceramic;stone, including jade; and knives of obsidian (sharper than
steel and still used today in heart surgery). Jalsrud, a prominent
local German merchant, also found statues ranging from less than an
inch to six feet in length depicting great reptiles, some of them in
ACTIVE ASSOCIATION with humans - generally eating them, but in some
bizarre statuettes an erotic association was indicated. To
observers many of these creatures resembled dinosaurs.

Jalsrud crammed this collection into twelve rooms of his expanded
house. There startling representations of Negroes, Orientals, and
bearded Caucasians were included as were motifs of Egyptians,
Sumerian and other ancient non-hemispheric civilisations, as well as
portrayals of Bigfoot and aquatic monsterlike creatures, weird
human-animal mixtures, and a host of other inexplicable creations.
Teeth from an extinct Ice Age horse, the skeleton of a mammoth, and
a number of human skulls were found at the same site as the ceramic

Radio-carbon dating in the laboratories of the University of
Pennsylvania and additional tests using the thermoluminescence
method of dating pottery were performed to determine the age of the
objects. Results indicated the objects were made about 6,500 years
ago, around 4,500 BC. A team of experts at another university,
shown Jalrud's half-dozen samples but unaware of their origin, ruled
out the possibility that they could have been modern reproductions.
However, they fell silent when told of their controversial source.

In 1952, in an effort to debunk this weird collection which was
gaining a certain amount of fame, American archaeologist Charles C.
DiPeso claimed to have minutely examined the then 32,000 pieces
within not more than four hours spent at the home of Julsrud. In a
forthcoming book, long delayed by continuing developments in his
investigation, archaeological investigator John H. Tierney, who has
lectured on the case for decades, points out that to have done that
DiPeso would have had to have inspected 133 pieces per minute
steadily for four hours, whereas in actuality, it would have
required weeks merely to have separated the massive jumble of
exhibits and arranged them properly for a valid evaluation.

Tierney, who collaborated with the later Professor Hapgood, the late
William N. Russell, and others in the investigation, charges that
the Smithsonian Institution and other archaeological authorities
conducted a campaign of disinformation against the discoveries. The
Smithsonian had, early in the controversy, dismissed the entire
Acambaro collection as an elaborate hoax. Also, utilising the
Freedom of Information Act, Tierney discovered that practically the
entirety of the Smithsonian's Julsrud case files are missing.

After two expeditions to the site in 1955 and 1968, Professor
Charles Hapgood, a professor of history and anthropology at the
University of New Hampshire, recorded the results of his 18-year
investigation of Acambaro in a privately printed book entitled
MYSTERY IN ACAMBARO. Hapgood was initially an open-minded skeptic
concerning the collection but became a believer after his first
visit in 1955, at which time he witnessed some of the figures being
excavated and even dictated to the diggers where he wanted them to

Adding to the mind-boggling aspects of this controversy is the fact
that the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, through the
late Director of PreHispanic Monuments, Dr. Eduardo Noguera, (who,
as head of an official investigating team at the site, issued a
report which Tierney will be publishing), admitted "the apparent
scientific legality with which these objects wer found." Despite
evidence of their own eyes, however, officials declared that because
of the objects 'fantastic' nature, they had to have been a hoax
played on Julsrud!

A disappointed but ever-hopeful Julsrud died. His house was sold
and the collection put in storage. The collection is not currently
open to the public.

Perhaps the most amazing suppression of all is the excavation of an
Egyptian tomb by the Smithsonian itself in Arizona. A lengthy front
page story of the PHOENIX GAZETTE on 5 April 1909 (follows this
article), gave a highly detailed report of the discovery and
excavation of a rock-cut vault by an expedition led by a Professor
S.A. Jordan of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian, however, claims to
have absolutely no knowledge of the discovery or its discoverers.

The World Explorers Club decided to check on this story by calling
the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., though we felt there was little
chance of getting any real information. After speaking briefly to
an operator, we were transferred to a Smithsonian staff
archaeologist, and a woman's voice came on the phone and identified

I told her that I was investigating a story from a 1909 Phoenix
newspaper article about the Smithsonian Institution's having
excavated rock-cut vaults in the Grand Canyon where Egyptian
artefacts had been discovered, and whether the Smithsonian
Institution could give me any more information on the subject.

"Well, the first thing I can tell you, before we go any further,"
she said, "is that no Egyptian artefacts of any kind have ever been
found in North or South America. Therefore, I can tell you that the
Smithsonian Institute has never been involved in any such
excavations." She was quite helpful and polite but, in the end,
knew nothing. Neither she nor anyone else with whom I spoke could
find any record of the discovery or either G.E. Kinkaid and
Professor S.A. Jordan.

While it cannot be discounted that the entire story is an elaborate
newspaper hoax, the fact that it was on the front page, named the
prestigious Smithsonian Institution, and gave a highly detailed
story that went on for several pages, lends a great deal to its
credibility. It is hard to believe such a story could have come out
of thin air.

Is the Smithsonian Institution covering up an archaeological
discovery of immense importance? If this story is true it would
radically change the current view that there was no transoceanic
contact in pre-Columbian times, and that all American Indians, on
both continents, are descended from Ice Age explorers who came
across the Bering Strait. (Any information on G.E. Kinkaid and
Professor S.A. Jordan, or their alleged discoveries, that readers
may have would be greatly appreciated.....write to Childress at the
World Explorers Club at the above address.)

Is the idea that ancient Egyptians came to the Arizona area in the
ancient past so objectionable and preposterous that it must be
covered up? Perhaps the Smithsonian Institution is more interested
in maintaining the status quo than rocking the boat with astonishing
new discoveries that overturn previously accepted academic

Historian and linguist Carl Hart, editor of WORLD EXPLORER, then
obtained a hiker's map of the Grand Canyon from a bookstore in
Chicago. Poring over the map, we were amazed to see that much of
the area on the north side of the canyon has Egyptian names. The
area around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek had areas (rock
formations, apparently) with names like Tower of Set, Tower of Ra,
Horus Temple, Osiris Temple, and Isis Temple. In the Haunted Canyon
area were such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister,
Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Was there any
relationship between these places and the alleged Egyptian
discoveries in the Grand Canyon?

We called a state archaeologist at the Grand Canyon, and were told
that the early explorers had just liked Egyptian and Hindu names,
but that it was true that this area was off limits to hikers or
other visitors, "because of dangerous caves."

Indeed, this entire area with the Egyptian and Hindu place names in
the Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone - no one is allowed into this
large area.

We could only conclude that this was the area where the vaults were
located. Yet today, this area is curiously off-limits to all hikers
and even, in large part, park personnel.

I believe that the discerning reader will see that if only a small
part of the "Smithsoniangate" evidence is true, then our most
hallowed archaeological institution has been actively involved in
suppressing evidence for advanced American cultures, evidence for
ancient voyages of various cultures to North America, evidence for
anomalistic giants and other oddball artefacts, and evidence that
tends to disprove the official dogma that is now the history of
North America.

The Smithsonian's Board of Regents still refuses to open its
meetings to the news media or the public. If Americans were ever
allowed inside the 'nation's attic', as the Smithsonian has been
called, what skeletons might they find?

Underground Entrances

The Liyobaa Cave Entrances

After the conquest of South America by the Spanish Conquistadores, the Catholic priests who were attempting to convert the heathen Indians discovered a cave entrance to what they called "Hell." This entrance has since been sealed off with tons of rubble, dirt and huge stones and boulders.

The village of Liyobaa (or to translate it, "The Cavern of Death") was located in the province of Zapoteca, somewhere near the ancient village of Mictlan, or the "Village of the Underworld."

The Cavern of Death was actually located in the last chamber of an eight-chamber building or temple. This temple had four rooms above the ground and four more important chambers built below the surface.

The high priests of the then-prevailing Indian religion conducted the ordinary ceremonies for the common man of Theozapotlan in the upper rooms. It was when they descended into the subsurface chambers that the secret and, to them, holy ceremonies, were conducted.

The first underground room was the one which was reserved for any human sacrifice. Its walls were lined with the images of the representations of their various "Gods." A blood-stained stone altar in the center of the chamber served for the sacrifice of any human victim, whose still-beating heart would be torn from a screaming still-living body and offered to the lips of those same stone idols for their supposed repletion.

There was a second door in the first chamber which led to the second room. This was a crypt where the preserved bodies of all the deceased high priests reposed. The next door in this crypt led to the third underground vault, about the walls of which were the preserved bodies of all the former "Kings" of Theozapotlan. For, on the death of a king, his body was brought to this chamber and installed there with all the state and glory, as well as with many sacrifices to accompany him.

It was from this burial chamber of kings that the fourth and last underground room was accessible. A doorway in third room led into the last underground chamber which seems appropriately to have contained nothing but another entrance covered by a huge stone slab. I write "appropriately," for the entrance to either HELL or the CAVES should be covered but unencumbered in the area about it for the benefit of those who might wish to leave rapidly and wisely. It was conceived by the Catholic Fathers of that day that this was an entrance to Hades; however, as we may well understand, it was an entrance to a Dero larder.

Through this doorway behind the stone slab were placed the bodies of all human sacrifices as well as the bodies of all the great lords and chieftains of the land who fell in battle. The bodies of those warriors were brought from far and wide to be thrown into this cave when they had been cut down in battles which were constantly being waged by these people.

Many of the common people, when debilitated by an incurable illness or oppressed by an unsupportable hardship, which made them seek death, would prevail upon the high priests to allow them to enter the door of death while still living. They believed that if they did so they would be the recipients of a very special afterlife.

The high priests would sometimes accept them as living sacrifices and after special ceremonies allow them to enter the "Cavern of Death" while still living. Needless to say, none ever returned to describe their experiences.

The Catholic priests, in order to convert the believers in this "myth" to Christianity, made arrangements to enter this subterranean door with a large retinue of torch holders and a long rope, which was tied to the stone slab door. They also took the precaution of having a large armed guard make sure that the door was not closed on them.

After they had lighted their torches and entered the door, it was discovered that they would have to descend several large steps. At the foot of the steps was a very wide stone-paved passageway with a high stone buttress on either side. The passageway led directly away from the steps into the distant bowels of the earth. The bones of the most recent arrivals, picked clean, lay before them as the passage seemed to continue without end. On each side of the buttressed path they could see into a large area which was a large labyrinth of stone pillars that seemed to hold up the very mountains which they knew they were beneath. As they advanced into the mountain, a putrid, dank air assailed their nostrils, serpents retreated from the light behind the shadows of the pillars in the distance.

They continued into the depths at a distance of about 40 meters when suddenly a strong cold wind began to blow about them. Still striving to continue, as their torches were extinguished rapidly, they took flight when all became dark, not only for the danger of the serpents, but also from strange sounds they could not place, but which were not being made by the members of their own party. Using the rope and the light of the torch one of the guards held in the doorway, out of the strong wind, the entire party rapidly retreated from this terrifying region.

When all the company had swiftly retreated to the ante-chamber of "Hell," they rapidly replaced the large stone slab door. After this the head prelate gave orders to fill in all the underground chambers and seal off and erase all signs of the stairs to them, thus eradicating for all time this entrance to the Caves.

The Tunnels of South America

In Southern and Central America, as well as in Mexico, the ancient people did not deny the existence of subterranean caves, chambers or tunnels. An examination of the religious beliefs of these ancient civilizations will reveal this.

The Aztecs of Mexico had their dark, dreary and much-feared "Tlaxico" which was ruled by "Mictlan," their god of death. The Mayas of Yucatan held a belief in the existence of underworlds. These they termed "Mitlan," and they were icy cold as are most subterranean chambers or tunnels (for proof visit a large cavern in summer clothes and see how uncomfortable you are). These underworlds were presided over by "Ah Puch." the Lord of Death. We also have mention of the underground in the Mayan sacred writings, the "Popol Vuh"; as well as in the "Book of Chilam of Chumayel." Even some of the codices seem to refer to them.

Peru and Chile, when they were ruled by the Incas, also reveal knowledge of the underground. "Supai," the god of death, had an underground dwelling, a much feared "Place of Darkness ." "Pachacamce," the god of the earth, caused underground rumblings in subterranean places where huge stones evidently fell, hours after he had shaken the earth with violence.

A legend of the first Inca "Manco Capac" relates that he and his followers, the founders of the Inca real, came from underground caves, while the people of the time revered snakes because of "Urcaguay," the god of the underground treasures. This god is depicted as a large snake whose tail has a hanging pendant from it, the head of a deer and many little gold chains. Even the "Comentarios Reales de los Incas" of Garciliasso de la Vega hints at the existence of the subterranean.

References to the tunnels have come down to us from information that the Conquistadores obtained. From some unknown source they had gathered information that the wealth of the Inca's domain was stored in a vast underground tunnel or road, and Pizzaro held the Inca Atahuelpha prisoner in order to obtain his wealth, which, it was rumored, was stored in a vast subterranean tunnel that ran for many miles below the surface of the earth. The Inca, if he had the information regarding the entrance to this tunnel, never revealed it. The priests of the Sun God and the Inca's wife determined, it is asserted, the eventual fate of the Inca by occult means. The knowledge that Pizzaro did not intend to spare the Inca Atahuelpha's life caused them to seal up the entrance and hide it so well that it has never been found to this day.

A few Quincha Indians, who are pure descendants of the line of priests, are said to still have the knowledge of the location of the entrance to this tunnel. They are the appointed guardians of this escort, so it is rumored today in Peru.

Another source of tunnel information may be a huge monolith of perpendicular rock, which stands apart from its native habitat, the mountains. This rock is of lava, and how it was erected or who erected it is lost in the ages of antiquity, long before the Incas came on the scene. The huge monolith stands alone on the shore of Ila, a small town in the southern tip of Peru, not far from the Chilean border. The rock bears odd hieroglyphic marks carved upon it. Marks which only in the light of the setting sun create a cryptic group of symbols. It is said that these marks will reveal to the person able to read them and decipher the message correctly the location of a secret entrance to the tunnels,an entrance located, some researchers assert, in the fastness of the "Los Tres Picas," the Three Peaks region. This is a triangular formation of mountain tops near the monolith in the Loa River section.

When Mme. Blavatsky visited Peru, she viewed and concurred with the information regarding the markings on the Ila monolith. She also asserted that information regarding the entrances to the tunnels had been graven in the walls of the "Sun Temple," at Cusco. Information of a symbolized nature, but nevertheless information which revealed to the person, with the knowledge of the meaning of the symbols, the secret entrance to those tunnels which the priests of the "Sun God" knew about. It is reported that Mme. Blavatsky received a chart of the tunnels, from an old Indian, when she visited Lima. This chart now reposes in the Adyar, India, archives of the Theosophical Society.

Harold T. Wilkins, author of Mysteries of Ancient South America, also researched and inquired about the tunnels until he was able to conclude the following: Two underground roads leave the vicinity of Lima, Peru. One of these tunnels is a subterranean road to Cusco, almost 400 miles to the east. The other runs underground in a southern direction for more than 900 miles to the vicinity of Salar de Atacama. This is a large salt desert in Chile, the residue of the ocean water which was landlocked during an upheaval of the earth. The upheaval of cataclysm which created Lake Titicaca raised Huanuco high above its place on the shore line. For information about this event, see the section titled "Tiahuanacu in the Andes" of Imanuel Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval.

The Cordellarias domeyko, in that section of Chile, very evidently landlocked a great portion of the sea when it was raised. After the sea water evaporated, the vast salt waste, which is almost impossible to traverse, was left.

The tunnel, which has a entrance somewhere in the Los Tres Picos triangle, is also said to have a connection with this long southern underground road.

I conjecture that any continuation of the southern tunnel was broken during the cataclysm, which created the Andes mountain range. Such a continuation would have connected these ancient tunnels with the reputed Rainbow City center in the Antarctic.

I also conjecture that another event may have also happened during a shifting of the earth's crust at that time. Some of my readers may be familiar with the fact that at least one tribe of Indians in the Southwestern United States has a legend of coming from South America.

This legend relates a story of many years ago. The forefathers of the tribe are said to have lived in a large city far to the south. The story even ties the stars of the sky with the Southern Cross. The town may have been Huanuaca before the earth shift which raised it above sea level. At any rate the legend asserts that the people of this town in the south, the forefathers of a tribe of American Indians, were driven from their homes by a much more hostile and fierce group of warriors. The remnants of those who fled wandered for a long, long time in underground passages which led to the north. These passages eventually led them to our Southwest, where they emerged and set up tribal life once again.

How these ancient Indians were able to see in the dark does not seem to have been taken into consideration. The question of how these ancient tunnels of the Atlan or Titan were illuminated has long been of interest to those who follow the Shaver Mystery. It has long been considered that the tunnels were lit by a type of atomic light.

Steve Brodie is once again a captive of the subterranean people, if he is still alive! I cannot ask him about this, and I regret that it did not come to mind during the all-to-brief period that I knew him many years ago. I do know, however, that he never mentioned any darkness except in relation to the weird outer space pictures he painted. Light is a funny thing: we accept it as our due and never notice it until it is missing. Perhaps some time in the future we may find one of the entrances to the caves and discover just how they are lighted.

The Maltese Cave Entrance

The Maltese Cave entrance is on the island of Malta. This island is the largest of a group of three islands, in the sea that divides Europe from Africa, the Mediterranean. The little Maltese islands lay well off the coast of a much larger island, Sicily, halfway between the Libyan seaport of Tripoli and Calabria of Italy's Calabrese people who are located in the toe of the bootlike formation of Italy.

The three Maltese islands are composed of Gozo, Comino and Malta. They represent one of the smallest archipelagoes in the world, survivors of those remote days when continents were of a different shape. Those pre-cataclysm days when Atlantis and Mu may have existed, the days when there was a land bridge between Europe and Africa. Those days when the entire Mediterranean area was merely a series of large lakes.

Malta is the principle island of the three. It reaches a width of almost nine miles, while it is all of 17½ miles in length. Gozo is not as long as Malta is wide and Comino is almost a dot which separates them. Comino has at times boasted of a total population of 50 people.

Malta is the most southern island, 180 miles from the African coast. It was an ancient center of civilization at the time when the Phoenicians from Carthage invaded and began to rule it. At that time blood sacrifice was not new to the Maltese and they readily accepted the priests of Moloch as another name for "Baal," the Sun or Fire God. These priests offered up human sacrifice to their god, one who rejoiced in the sacrifice of human victims and the outcries of the victims' parents.

Since the time of the Carthaginians, Malta has had many rulers: Romans, Arabs, Normans, Aragonese, Castilians. Then France ruled the island for a short time before it became the British possession it now is.

However, with all this varied history, and regardless of the many nations who ruled them, the people of those islands still speak the ancient Canaanite, Semitic tongue, the speech of the Phoenicians, and the mother tongue of Queen Dido, who was the founder of Carthage. Malta was the birthplace of Carthage's most famous citizen, the man who made Rome tremble at the height of his power: Hannibal— of the world's greatest generals.

On the northeast shore of Malta there are a number of large bays. One of these is known as Grand Harbor. This bay has a point of land extending into it upon which the capital of the Maltese Islands, the city of Valletta, is built. A few miles inland from this town toward the south, overlooking the plain which leads to the shore, is a large plateau known as the Corradino. The little village of Casal Paula is built on this plateau, and from the village one can view Valletta, Grand Harbour, the plain leading to it, and also look out to the sea.

In this small village of Casal Paula during the year 1902 workmen, who were digging a well, literally fell into the earth. They had once again uncovered the outer room of the Maltese Cave entrance. Since the well was to be dug for a house which was on the main street named "Hal Saflieni," and because this first cave was later discovered to be complex of caves, three of which were a series of chambers excavated out of solid rock on three even lower levels for each chamber, this entrance is known as the "Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti." A hypogeum is the Latin name for an underground structure.

Later this series of underground rooms was discovered to have been located in the middle of an ancient neolithic village. From the construction of the entrance stones, it is now assumed that at certain times a human sacrifice was chained before the entrance. The entrance and the walls and ceilings of some of the passageways and rooms have been found to be decorated with red ochre primitive art designs, but when first discovered the three caves were crammed with as many as 30,000 skeletons of men, woman, and children. After all these bones were cleared out, the primitive murals were discovered. They took the forms of diamond shapes, as well as oblated and elongated ovals, all of which were joined together with wavy lines and whirls. These decorations had been created solely from the application of red ochre, by the most primitive of methods.

Once past the entrance, a narrow passageway leads down into the first room. It is in this room, that the "Oracle" may be found. The Oracle is a hemispherical hole in the wall, a which is lower than the mouth of an ordinary-sized man. It is about two feet in diameter, and one can speak into it. A curved projection carved out of the back of the cave then acts as a sounding board. The voice is amplified and caused to resound throughout all the other caves. It creates an effect which must have frightened the primitives into sacrificing many of the members of their tribe to the being who spoke with the "Voice of God."

If you continue down through the narrow and low passageways, you come to another room. The center of this room has a circular stone altar with runnels on it, the use of which can only be guessed at. Carved in the walls of this room are many niches, the bases of which are like bunk beds. They have hollows scooped out for the heads and bodies, as well as the feet of four-foot-high individuals and some are even smaller.

Leading downward from this room is a small, narrow passageway, ending in another even larger underground room, which has narrow slit-like entrances into other small caves which surround it. One opening, however, is a window into another cave, the entrance to which is covered by a huge slab of stone. This window looks down into what was evidently a prison, but how beings only four feet tall were able to manipulate the huge stone slab must remain a mystery.

An opening in the wall opposite the entrance to this cave leads to a passage narrow and torturous, the entrance to the real caves. This passage ends on a pathway which extends along the side of a vast cleft in the earth, a pathway along the edge of a veritable chasm, a pathway which leads ever downward to the long underground tunnels and series of caves which are reputed to allow one to traverse the entire length of the island and even further.

Legend has it that these passageways at one time connected with the underground crypts from which the Catacombs of Rome were created. This may very well be true; for the reader must remember that the Mediterranean Sea was created after neolithic times by earthquakes and the shifting of the earth's crust. Therefore, while the ancient tunnels may have existed, they might have been closed by cataclysms of this type, with the knowledge of them coming down to us only in legends.

The tunnels under the "Hypogeum" have been sealed off ever since a school teacher took 30 students into the caves and disappeared, guide and all. It was stated that the walls caved in on them. Search parties were never able to locate any trace of these people.

It has been asserted that for weeks the wailing and screaming of children was heard underground in different parts of the island, but no one could locate the source of the sound. If the walls caved in, why the cave-in could not be found and excavated to free the children remains a mystery.

How the children could live to scream for weeks later is another involved puzzle. At any rate, the underground entrance to the caves in Malta has been sealed off, and nobody is allowed to investigate the site.